The State of Wildlife Conservation in Chinese Society: Exploring Attitudes and Practices

Wildlife conservation is a topic of global concern, and China, as one of the world’s most populous and influential countries, plays a significant role in this arena. Chinese society’s attitudes and practices towards wildlife conservation have been shaped by a complex interplay of cultural, economic, and political factors. This article will delve into the current state of wildlife conservation in China, exploring both the challenges and the progress made in recent years.

Historical Context

Historically, wildlife in China has been viewed through a utilitarian lens, with animals often used for food, medicine, and other purposes. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for instance, has long incorporated ingredients derived from endangered species, such as pangolin scales and tiger bones. This has contributed to the overexploitation of certain species and has posed significant challenges for wildlife conservation.

Changing Attitudes

However, attitudes towards wildlife conservation in Chinese society are changing. A growing middle class, increased exposure to global ideas, and heightened awareness of environmental issues have led to a shift in public opinion. More and more Chinese citizens are recognizing the importance of biodiversity and the need to protect endangered species. This shift is reflected in recent surveys, which show a growing public support for stricter wildlife protection laws.

Government Policies and Practices

The Chinese government has also taken steps to improve wildlife conservation. In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, China implemented a comprehensive ban on the consumption of wild animals. The government has also been working to strengthen its legal framework for wildlife protection, with new laws and regulations aimed at curbing illegal wildlife trade and promoting sustainable use of natural resources.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite these positive developments, challenges remain. Enforcement of wildlife protection laws can be inconsistent, and illegal wildlife trade continues to be a problem. Additionally, there is a need for more public education and awareness-raising about wildlife conservation.

On the other hand, there are also opportunities for progress. China’s growing environmental movement, coupled with its increasing global influence, could help drive further improvements in wildlife conservation. Moreover, the country’s rapid technological development could be harnessed to aid conservation efforts, for example through the use of AI and big data to monitor and protect wildlife populations.


In conclusion, while wildlife conservation in China faces significant challenges, there are also signs of positive change. Changing attitudes, government action, and technological innovation all offer hope for the future of China’s wildlife. As China continues to evolve and grow, its approach to wildlife conservation will undoubtedly continue to develop as well.